Monday, June 25, 2012


Spectacular views on our way to and from Xela

*sorry I wrote this post a week ago and never posted, if that makes more sense

It's already been a week. 2 more weeks still feels like forever though. So I left off at Casa Manen and so many experiences have occurred since then. I will try to recall everything that has happened. Sunday after we settled into the hotel we left for Xela to meet with the girls for an hour or so before dinner. I was completely unprepared for the barrage of hugs, tears, and kisses. Of course the girls were more excited and connected to the members of our team that had visited in past years, but they still hugged and clung to me and the new members. I tried to get to know them with what little spanish I knew, basically asked their names and age and was completely confused when they gave me long answers which I didn't understand. We ate a beautiful cake that the girls baked and then the sisters gave us a tour of the orphange/home. The girls were so excited to show us their dorm rooms and all the specialty rooms where they learned a trade. The orphanage had a room for embroidery, sewing, baking, art, classrooms, and chapel. The building was amazingly clean compared to the dirt and mud roads that led up to it.

After leaving the girls we went back to the hotel, ate a simple meal and had a devotional. Then afterwards the medical team met to set the game plan for the next day.

Breakfast always starts at 715. Monday morning we ate a huge breakfast and headed to the church down the dirt road from the orphanage. We unloaded the supplies, set up the pharmacy, triage, and clinic areas.  Towards the back of the church the sisters had already set up a semi private clinic room which consisted of a pew with a sheet hanging by rope to conceal the area. Already there was a line of patients there for us to see.Every 2 hours or so we would rotate areas. So the first day we were off to a slow start. I began in the triage area, taking in patients,asking them for their chief complaints and taking vitals. ALL IN ESPANOL! We saw 48 patients the first day.

more later..

Monday, June 11, 2012


Yesterday we arrived in Guatemala around 3PM and drove to the Hotel Vista Real which is a 5 star hotel :O to my surprise. I thought we would be staying there all week but since it was a 4 hour drive to the orphanage we had to relocate to Casa Manens. Anyway yesterday we just settled down and met everyone in the group which consists of about 10 people from the Baptist Church and then 8 people on the medical team.

Every morning and evening we have devotional time, which makes me uncomfortable when it is strongly religious. Basically one person is chosen to share a story, or scripture that they find inspirational. I like how it brings everyone together in a positive way but also makes me feel distanced from the group because I don't necessarily agree or have the same faith. After a long night of meetings and planning I passed out at 1030PM.

We woke up early, 5:45AM early.... we headed out en route to visit a shelter for girls that have been trafficked or abused. It was one of the most impactful moments of the day and possibly of the trip. We saw pictures of 28 girls that have passed through the home. It is pretty sad that the US is the top users of human trafficking and that it is prevalent even in the states of both non immigrant and immigrant populations. As we were blessing the home and saying a prayer for the girls, they started tearing up and it made me want to bawl. I felt like I had no right to cry in front of them though because they have been through so much more and have suffered beyond anything that a child should. After we left them we headed to Xela (Quetzaltenango) with a stop to eat at Katok.

Then it was another 2 hour drive up to the mountain to our location. The winding roads and gasoline fumes were starting to get to people and we had a vomiting episode in the car (not me btw). We drove to such high altitudes that we were driving through clouds!

anyway everyone in my room is sleeping now so I'll continue later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nobody But You

It's weakness when you give into someone because you are afraid to hurt their feelings, or afraid of disappointment. I've always been passive, even when I was little I would get so anxious when I wanted to speak up in class or voice my opinion. But if you don't speak up you will never have a choice and you will always feel powerless and helpless to control your path in life.  Nobody knows what is best for you because happiness is defined only by yourself. Although people may have good intentions that does not mean that they can fulfill you or give you what you need. In the end as long as you are proud of your actions and can sleep soundly at night will you be content with the live you are living. If you are doing what you feel in your heart is right then how can anyone say you for making a mistake...

Monday, June 4, 2012

White + Stripes

Peek a boo from Charliebear. We had a photoshoot together before summer started haha. I bought white pants from zara a little while ago even though I'm notorious for getting food on my clothes. I got it cause I wanted to wear them to Europe, but lo and behold I forgot to pack them ... haha Charlie is sooo big now. I missed him like crazy while I was in europe, every roman statue of an animal reminded me of charlie. In Italy people walk their dogs everywhere! They even bring them into retail stores. But we didn't see any corgis.. :(

Byeee :)