It's funny how just being in the next room can feel like we are miles apart. I imagine being 250 miles apart will feel like there is an ocean between us.
It has come down to it, the last night in Houston. So I am trying to finish up my packing and it is not looking good. I usually like packing... when it is for other people, but for some reason I am dreading this task at the moment. I really am excited to live in a different city, meet new people, and learn new things but I will be dearly homesick :(.
Today I had a multitude of errands to run. I forgot my camera today and was forced to use my camera phone that doesn't have flash. We ate at Miyakos for happy hour, which was not so happy anymore since the prices went up :(. I ran into my old boss from when I used to be a server at a Sushi/Hibachi restaurant and it turns out he was our waiter. Awkward and strange at the same time. I never had anything against him and overall he was a good boss, it was just weird to run into him in such a way. It is funny how something so small can open up a chapter of the past. I hope to never go back to serving again, restaurant biz is not for me. Anyhoo this is what we ate..and ate..and ate.

Our customary chopped scallop cheers! (Morris, David, and me)

From left New York, Crunchy, New York again for me :), and Hot Geisha.

And it wouldn't be the last meal without Fried Ice-cream... nom nom nom.
when u come back we'll have chopped scallop and salmon sashimi.
You will love Dallas! I will make you love Dallas. (And, I plan on making trips to/from Houston/Austin throughout the summer) You always have a seat in my car if you want to come with!