I'm going to blog because I want to and I don't care that I have 6 tests coming up or that I have a quiz tomorrow... Sometimes I don't even know what I'm learning anymore, like the days everything just seem to blur together. Today I woke up and conjugated verbs for my medical spanish course and thought to myself... HOW CAN I LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE when I have a million other things to memorize :( Not only that but I've learned I cannot roll my r's or wink my right eye for the life of me.
Also I've joined a million clubs and volunteered for a million different events, one of which requires me to play with preemie babies...
This week I joined APAMSA, which I had no idea what it stood for (Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association..? I'm guessing...) I just knew they were serving free lunch which was not lenny's or pizza... I scored a tofu banh mi.
I am more dedicated to my dermatology interest group and Physicians for Human Rights group, which I blog for now. I'll link it someday when I get around to it.
This week I also interviewed for a Global Health Trip. I might be going to Guatemala for 3 weeks this summer!!!!!!! AND THEN thanks to my shower curtain I realized just how close in proximity it was to Mexico... hmmmmmm But nonetheless It will be a great way to implement all this spanish I'm learning and help at their clinic as well as the orphanage. *crosses fingers*
These are pics from last week. I've been into crop tops and eccentrically placed pockets. The only thing with crop tops is I feel like I need a 6-pack.. or at least a flatter stomach. I don't know how that is going to happen since I eat so much crap and drink so much soda to keep myself awake to study. I've been doing zumba regularly every wednesday and friday, but I'm starting to think I need to spice it up with something else.
Back to memorizing a bajillion pathogens BAIZ
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