Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best Day Ever?

This was one of the best days of my life.
It started with me skipping my 8:30 AM class.
Then waking up late for my 10:00 AM class (but still making it before it ended).
Killing an hour or two, at the bio building watching everyone run around in the pouring rain.
Going to world cinema class and discussing a film about the chile civil war.
Nervously checking my MCAT score only to find they hadn't been posted, and then having paranoid thoughts that I accidently voided my score.
Driving home in the miserable rain, miserably thinking about my impending doom.
Coming home and receiving a text that the scores were up.
Pulling myself together and finally getting the nerve to check...
FEELING IMMENSE RELIEF and HAPPINESS like I've never experienced before.
Months of worry, stress, and tedious studying, worth it? HECK YEAH

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