I said I would blog after my test Thurs, but I am being so unproductive right now it makes me upset. I am studying for pchem, a class I don't need for a minor I don't need, that doesn't interest me whatsoever. Not only that but its at 8:30 AM, so I wake up at 6 to beat traffic... WHYY, why do I do this to myself. I *gripe (keeping it pg) and moan about this all the time and it's only a third into the semester. Sigh.. it sounded like a good idea at the time...double minoring, but my time and money could be better spent on something else.
Me "studying" but really taking a picture to send the bf to show him how good I was being. I was smiling really cheesy until someone walked by my desk right when the flash went off.. Embarrassing.... I've been studying in a closet in the bio building.
So my second beanie post in 2 weeks, I'm obsessed. I like to wear them on days I wake up superrr early for pchem since I can't really do my hair and also it makes me feel kind of gangster.. or dorky? So many outfit posts, I finally found the right set up, I stack two shoe boxes on top of my chair at it's very highest and ta da. :/ I guess back to studying...
Oh yeah this is my song suggestion :
Kelly Rowland - Rose Colored Glasses
I read the black on gray post before this one and I was like, "dang, this girl looks so gangsta with her beanie on" and then you mentioned it on your blog haha