This week has been full of social events after each day of orientation. I have to say.. being social is hard work.. haha it also involves more drinking than I expected. Every event seems to revolve around bars, but I have been good :) Today we had a roller rink social where the attire was 80s style... which I was stoked about! I ran to target and bought a headband and some spiffy socks and I was set!
Channeling some kelly kapowski here. This is a corner of my room that I haven't really posted yet, but will be taking lots of pictures here haha
Long lost 80s work out buddy.. So trying to dance on roller skates is a talent in it's own. I can't say I have mastered it yet.
The location was kind of shady, but then again most roller rinks seem that way. I couldn't help but think of napoleon dynamite the whole time. They even turned out the lights at 9 and it was all blacklight.
We were both rocking the sideways ponytail. woot woot...
Afterwards drinking at the Vegas bar ensued, and we turned the bar into our own dance floor. We showed up in full 80s gear, at least 30 strong and people were looking at us like.. wtf... haha I think I heard the nerd reference as well... but we know in our hearts that we're totally awesome!
wooow. 80s. you know? it fits you...