Monday, September 27, 2010


Plane ticket to Dallas : $160.00
Gas : $35.00
Tire Warranty : $15.00
Oil Change : $30.00
Brake Flush : $110.00

Where is my priceless?? The other day (yesterday) my tire got another flat -.- I was able to get it to discount tire so they could replace it. Thanks to the bf for getting me the warranty! Anyway I decided to go ahead and take care of my car and a bunch of errands today so I could be worry free. All of these necessary expenses add up, must stop runaway spending.. No more purchases for awhile.

Instead of shopping I made a collage of fall favorites, perfect for the beautiful weather we are having!

1. Leather Gloves, motorcycle style
2. Hooded Cape
3. Military Cardigan
4. Varsity Cardigan
5. Simple Varsity Cardigan
6. Olive Green Cape
7. Thigh High Socks

Sunday, September 26, 2010

No Rest For The Weary

I just booked my plane ticket to Dallas :) The end is in sight! Break down of my schedule for the next few weeks :

Sept. 30th : A&M
Oct. 8th : UTH
Oct. 16th : UT-Southwestern
Oct. 22nd : Baylor

YAY, also I have been catching up in all my classes after the terrible start I had. It's easy to let procrastination get the best of you. I tried to justify my laziness by saying I deserved a break after such a crazy restless summer (except for one crazy week in Vegas), but it's time to get down to business again. It can be hard to motivate yourself, but it is a habit I need to get used to. Some things I need to keep in mind :

1. Work-out regularly
2. Do not give in to cravings
3. NO more online shopping
4. NO skipping classes

Anyway this is a long, but picture-filled post :)

Shot of the birthday, he is tipsy already :P

All of our Hut's burgers ! So juicy...

On top of Mt. Bonnell in Austin, TX

We are fancy *pinky out*

Red velvet with cream cheese frosting from Hey, Cupcake! YuM, but so big I couldn't finish it.

The WALL of rubik's cubes at Toy Joy, made me think of the bf.

Kerbey Lane Cafe for brunch. My english muffin was so good...

I didn't photoshop this picture, the water tower really was smiling at us.

Back to the present, we went to the cousin's house today for a birthday. Jeanne from Far&InBetween made orange flavored cupcakes, the BEST!!

Can you spot how many poodles there are?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tires Hate Me

Basically as soon as I made it to school I ran over a nail and got a flat tire. I was able to park it in the garage and went to class thinking it could easily be fixed. After I got out my good friend Morris helped me out, but we couldn't even get the spare tire out of the trunk... O.O Apparently the screw was rusted in or something... Then we called for back up and Catherine and Eric came to my rescue! Only we still couldn't get it out and I ended up borrowing Morris's spare, ugh tires hate me. Anyhoo all was good after about 4 hours, thanks you guys!

Catherine, sorry bad picture but still cute!

I spent 2 hours making cupcakes and decorating them with Linnie for the Pre-medical society bake sale. All funds go to Nicky's Journey a charity to raise money for children with cancer. This is the link to the story :

Please read, it is worth the time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Torturing Myself

I said I would blog after my test Thurs, but I am being so unproductive right now it makes me upset. I am studying for pchem, a class I don't need for a minor I don't need, that doesn't interest me whatsoever. Not only that but its at 8:30 AM, so I wake up at 6 to beat traffic... WHYY, why do I do this to myself. I *gripe (keeping it pg) and moan about this all the time and it's only a third into the semester. Sigh.. it sounded like a good idea at the time...double minoring, but my time and money could be better spent on something else.

Me "studying" but really taking a picture to send the bf to show him how good I was being. I was smiling really cheesy until someone walked by my desk right when the flash went off.. Embarrassing.... I've been studying in a closet in the bio building.

So my second beanie post in 2 weeks, I'm obsessed. I like to wear them on days I wake up superrr early for pchem since I can't really do my hair and also it makes me feel kind of gangster.. or dorky? So many outfit posts, I finally found the right set up, I stack two shoe boxes on top of my chair at it's very highest and ta da. :/ I guess back to studying...

Oh yeah this is my song suggestion :
Kelly Rowland - Rose Colored Glasses

Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Days

Some days everything goes right. Good test scores usually brighten up my day :) I woke up this morning with a full 8 hours of sleep, ate a real meal and had time to put myself together. This is what I wore. I try to dress for how I want to feel. If I'm sick to my stomach I will try to dress a little nicer.

At first I thought this print was too leopardy, but its not too out there. I'm trying to make an effort to add jewelry, since details matter but most of the time I'm really lazy.

I've worn this jacket so many times... I love it. This past weekend has been full of big events (i.e. the bf's birthday, Austin road-trip) that I will blog about after my test Thurs. Time to study for physical chemistry now :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Black on Grey

Hi. I decided to do something different and not crop my face out of my outfit pictures... the result... cheesy smiles. I am coming down with something the symptoms are there... lack of energy, sniffles, fat face. When I start feeling sick I usually take hour long naps and wake up with the sweats and a swollen round face. Not good, especially considering my cell bio test tomorrow.

Today I dressed for fall, and I don't care that it was 93 degrees today. My classrooms are freezing and like I said I'm sick. haha I'm sure people where wondering why some girl was walking around campus all bundled up. Oh and the knob on my head was from a beanie, no time to do hair today.

Oh yeah and this is my favorite tee-shirt, that I stole from my bf, obviously it doesn't fit him. It was given to him by our friend Jessica from Korea! *hi Jess*

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This is going to be a rough week... so I need something to look forward to. That something is Linkin Park's new album that's set to release Sept. 14th. This is their first in 3 years *excitings* even though they've released remixes and live concert cds it's not the same. Anyway I am excited. When I saw their video for The Catalyst I knew it was them! Their style has definitely changed but there is always that one song that makes the whole cd worth it. I used to fall asleep to their cds, back when music was played on these contraptions below!

These play music! crazy right? haha Well this was the coolest thing when I was in the 7th grade. I was obsessed with this band for awhile, hence the name of my 1st car was Chester, after the lead singer. The appeal of their music, for me at least is that every song is written for a reason, the lyrics are so deliberate. Unlike the songs on the radio (katy perry -.-) that don't have any substance really.

Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns
Look out for it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Florals Aren't Just for Curtains

I took a chance and ordered this dress from Urban Outfitters. I saw it once in Vegas and didn't even try it on because of the $ tag. So when I saw it online for half off, and no shipping I impulsively bought it. Anyway I am glad I did. Be warned, I will try to wear it everywhere, and I look forward to wearing it in various ways.

Pins and Needles Chiffon Maxi Dress

I wore it with two different belts, but I like the first one better. With or without a belt its still so pretty, and easy to wear. Also another thing about maxi dresses, they're always so long, this one is a small and its the perfect length. In these pictures I'm not wearing heels, but they could be worn either way.

Haha I took it with and without flash, but the pictures don't do it justice.

Wow two outfit posts in one week, I wasn't even wearing it out anywhere I just wanted to try it on, and sit in it while I type this post.... jk, I don't do that :P

Friday, September 10, 2010

Casual Heels

This past week I went to a birthday dinner (Happy Birthday Eric!). It started like this...

And ended like this... :)

So the dress for the dinner was casual... I thought what I threw on was extremely casual, but I may be wrong, since when David saw my outfit he started throwing on a dress shirt with french cuff links. Reasons why I think its casual.. 1. I'm wearing no jewelry 2. The pieces are simple, cardigan, tank top dress...and heels. Okay so every time I wear heels I feel a little dressy, and then when I tower over other people it's a little awkward. But I don't care! 3. My hair and makeup was nothing special.

My idea of casual has morphed completely in the past year or two. I used to own converse, and shoes with bears on them, but they have slowly been replaced by heels. There is absolutely nothing wrong with skinny jeans and converse, but my personal tastes have changed. Casual also depends on what everyone else is wearing I suppose. It occurred to me that I would be over-dressed... but then I just wore what I felt like wearing haha.

These pictures were the best I could do, still don't have a tripod.

These shoes would be a 10 if my right foot wasn't bigger than the left :/ The peep toe squishes my toes together.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Just thought this jacket was cute. It's at forever21 for $24, such a steal thought I'd pass it along. It also comes in cream :)

Also is it weird that even though my eyesight is like -10.0 I still want to wear these... haha I'd have to wear them with my contacts :( haha

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best Day Ever?

This was one of the best days of my life.
It started with me skipping my 8:30 AM class.
Then waking up late for my 10:00 AM class (but still making it before it ended).
Killing an hour or two, at the bio building watching everyone run around in the pouring rain.
Going to world cinema class and discussing a film about the chile civil war.
Nervously checking my MCAT score only to find they hadn't been posted, and then having paranoid thoughts that I accidently voided my score.
Driving home in the miserable rain, miserably thinking about my impending doom.
Coming home and receiving a text that the scores were up.
Pulling myself together and finally getting the nerve to check...
FEELING IMMENSE RELIEF and HAPPINESS like I've never experienced before.
Months of worry, stress, and tedious studying, worth it? HECK YEAH

Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Wants

I know I've been lacking in posts, especially the outfit ones, but I'm waiting until I get a tripod. Perfectly balancing my camera on stacks of books is a pain, when I'm trying to get a certain angle (one that doesn't make me look short and stubby). Also I've been busy... I've finished 4/8 interviews and I'm waiting on my mcat scores which will be posted this tuesday. *anxiety* The waiting is the worst part... honestly why does it take a month? It's giving me an ulcer. Since I've got all this pent up stress inside online shopping had been my go to. Even if it's just online window shopping.

I know I said no to more shoes, but I've always wanted a pair of moccasins.
So I've noticed a lot of these drawstrings bags lately. At first I thought they weren't my style and reminded me of hippies but they've grown on me. Also I'm a fan of tassles lately.... Since it was on sale at forever I figured I would try it out. But then I realized if I spent $40 or more I wouldn't have to pay shipping, so I threw in a few more items. I know how flawed my thinking is, but I guess those incentives do work on suckers like me. Anyway as soon as I get my camera stuff more posts will come.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cheer Up

I try to be optimistic, but there are a few things that seriously put me in a bad mood. Why do people drive 55mph on the freeway when there is no traffic? Its dangerous! There have been a few instances this week which I won't name, but this morning instead of thinking mean thoughts about bad drivers I thought about the little things that do make me happy.

1. Finding the last item on sale and in my size! (it was meant to be)
2. Driving during rush hour and finding no traffic
3. Spotting the cop and not getting a ticket
4. Doing better on a test than I thought I did
5. Coming home and finding banh cuon, or some other favorite dish of mine
6. When it pours and I have BOTH my rainboots and umbrella
7. When my favorite song plays on the radio and I catch the beginning
8. School supplies, in various colors and designs
9. Finding a great parking spot
10. Celebrating the first of every month

Some pictures that brighten up my day :